About Me, Etc.

Firstly, I am a single woman that loves the Lord.  I have been married and divorced and can appreciate both married men & women and those that have been divorced.  I always wanted that “perfect marriage” with the “perfect husband” and a white picket fence and flowers growing in the beds and a nice green lawn with a puppy dog or two running around.  As I grew older, I realized that really didn’t exist out there!  Well, bits and pieces of that fantasy did exist but not all in one package deal.  At least I have never found it.  I believe relationships are like my favorite flower bed… You mean I have to plant the flowers AND water them!?  And weed the beds and fertilize and … wow… there is a lot more to “it” than I ever thought!  So, yes, I have learned a thing or three over the years.  The best and most rewarding thing that I am learning is how to walk with God daily.  My life has been quite the journey and as you read my daily devotionals you will see that I use stories of my past and present to relate to “God Things” and also every-day things.  After all, God is in our daily walk, whether we want to acknowledge Him or not.  He is always there!  It is a much sweeter journey when you realize His presence and grow from it. 

I have a legacy of Christians in my family.  Although my mom is now in the presence of Jesus, she passed 1 month before hers and dad’s 69th wedding anniversary.  Quite an accomplishment.  And both parents loved the Lord and longed to see His face.  They pointed us 3 kids to Jesus.  I am so thankful that they did.

My father is still living and will be 93 this year (2023). WOW! The oldest in his family or my mother’s family. Longevity! He’s healthy and he did something at 89 that we were all surprised AND happy about. He remarried 3 years after mom went to be with the Lord. Yes, he remarried at 89! She is a kind and gentle soul. My brothers and I were very happy for both of them. They live close so I can still go visit them as often as I can.

I personally have been a Christian much of my life.  Although I have come from a long line of “Christians” and have been one most of my life, I have not “walked with God” most of my life.  At least not like I am walking with Him now.  I have found Him in the most wonderful way.  I believe God has given me a ministry to women because I personally have been through so much in my life from abuse, neglect, and just plain disrespect in relationships.  Some of this was brought on by my own bad decisions and some from other sources.  Though all of that has left scars, God, in His loving kindness, has healed many of those hurts by His grace and mercy.  Believe me, I am one grateful lady!  God is so good, and I want to share as much of Him as I can to as many folks as I can! I also want to share that God led me to a wonderful church – I am a member of Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas.  This is definitely a church that loves the Lord and preaches the Word!

Years before, I sang in the choir of many churches for several years until I had some sever sinus issues that left my voice less than 100%.  I love most worship music and the good old hymns that I was raised with.  I tell folks that I have sung since before I was born because my mom was always in the church choir and my dad was the Music Minister or Pastor wherever we were.  So, I have been drenched with music my entire life and it is in my blood!  Music cuts to the absolute core of my soul!  It can move me to tears of sadness or tears of elation quicker than anything I know.  The music that worships my Lord Jesus is my absolute favorite!

I have traveled a little bit in my life, whether it was a vacation when I was a child or traveling with my job or just driving around the country roads. I love this great country of ours!  I have been out of the country one time to Cancun, Mexico.  It was a wonderful trip, but I was thrilled to return to our homeland – the good old United States of America!  There is none like her and I love her dearly!

UPDATE: as of 12-11-2024, I had to say goodbye to my Zuckie. l It was a very difficult decision but he had bladder cancer and I could not see him suffer any longer. Run Free little man! I will always love you! See you soon!

I have a dachshund and he is my boy child.  I consider him my 4-legged baby and I love him like he is. He is a rescue baby and I also help with rescue organizations from time to time, with placement of other dogs and kitties in shelters across this great nation of ours.  As I said my baby is a rescue … although I am not sure who rescued who.  He has enriched my life so much!  My dad actually considers him his grand dog… lol. Since the writing of this page, I have added a new baby to my life… well, she actually added me to her life. “She” is a beautiful little kitty. She was a feral kitty – one of 3-4 that I fed here at the apartments. Well, she adopted me. She has become a domesticated kitty now. Her name is Chesa. She is a small kitty about 7 pounds and she is mostly a Birman kitty and such a lovely little girl. Still a kitten and quite lively.

UPDATE: Well, at about 15 months she blessed me with a littler of 4 beautiful kittens on 3-17-2024. It was an exciting experience! But one I don’t want to relive. I kept the 1st born. His name is Noche. He is black as night! A beautiful, sweet kitty that is bigger than his mother. At this update he is 10 months old and about 15 pounds. I love my kitties.

One thing about me you will find out is that I strive every day to “Abide In The Vine” because apart from the Vine I can do nothing!  As you read my blog and become acquainted with me and my stories, I would love to hear from you any time. Whether it is a comment on the current devotional or something else.  I just want to share my God and how wonderful He is and how He has blessed my life!  You may already know, but sometimes folks need to be reminded…

Thanks for visiting!  I pray God speaks to your heart through the stories and posts I have to share.  God is such a Good and Loving God!  Afterall, He calls us His beloved.