CLICK THIS LINK …. Abiding In His Mercy, Growing In His Grace
Hello and welcome to my new Devotional Blog site
I am so glad you are here!
Although this site is not under full construction any longer,
there are a few tweaks that are needed.
I would welcome an email if you find something that needs attention.
Please feel free to email me at
the email address below.
To view any of my posts, click the menu (the lines at the top left)
to find recent posts.
Or you can click the crossed arrows at the top right by the Search Icon.
This randomly goes through the posts.
To use the Search feature, click the Magnifying Glass.
Then type in a topic you would like to look up (i.e., love, God, worry, etc.).
Then a list of Posts will show.
This is not all of the posts but as you read one,
it will have more at the bottom of each post.
I would love for you to subscribe and never miss a post,
Some of the posts are posts that I had on a previous website.
I will be writing new ones as God lays them on my heart.
So… scroll all the way to the bottom for the Subscribe Form
Come back regularly for new posts and information!
You will find various posts about how my God speaks to my heart,
and encourages me to write what He shows me.
I do hope you enjoy my writings! I have enjoyed writing and sharing them!
Please keep checking back from time to time and find new material!
Thanks, again, for visiting. I pray you were and will be blessed.

Awesome! Thank you Leah.
This is awesome! I’m looking forward to seeing you add to your page! 🙏🏻❤️💪🏻
Love this !!!
Love this
I am looking forward to you adding to your page .