Firm Foundation

Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


December 17, 2013

Oh, how I wish I had learned to walk with the Lord years ago.  Oh, I had the foundation of knowing who God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were.  I just didn’t “know” them like I do now.  But God tells me I am right where I need to be, and I am ok with that.  He is so good and gracious with me.  There are so many thoughts flooding my mind right now… I have stories popping into my head and want to share them all.

As you know (or you may not) a house or a structure of any kind starts with stabilizing the soil.  You see that white stuff they spread and mix in with the dirt on a construction site, that is lime (I believe) and maybe some other stuff that they mix up and in with the dirt to stabilize the soil.  If this is not done, the structures might shift and crack when the ground begins to shift too much.  I am not that well versed in all of that, but I do know about stabilization of the soil or area before you build on it.  Any structure begins with the wisdom and then the understanding of how it all goes together.  After the structure is built and ready to occupy by folks, they use their knowledge to beautify the inside with “things” that they like (their precious and pleasant riches).  What is precious and pleasant to one may not be for another.  Nonetheless, they fill it with their knowledge of things they know and like. 

So, let’s compare.  As Christians, we also must stabilize the soil … the foundation so-to-speak … of our walk with God.  The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of Him is understanding:

Proverbs 9:10; The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

As we grow and experience life, we begin to have the understanding of how things really do go together and then finally we begin to “beautify” our structure (our being) with things.  Hopefully it is imperishable things such as scripture written on our hearts, stories of how God has been so faithful and sharing with others about how Jesus has changed our lives.   These are the things that beautify a Christian’s structure.  My nieces used to sing a little song called “Kids Under Construction”.  That is truly what we are in this walk with our Lord.  We never will “arrive” until we see His face!  Come quickly Lord Jesus!

August 2023

Here I am 10 years later, and I reread the above this morning and am reminded that I must have a “firm foundation” to build my life on.  The best Foundation is Jesus Christ.  All others crack, crumble, and fall apart – totally fail.  Jesus is the Cornerstone and I understand that the Cornerstone of any building is where the building begins.  Here is an excerpt from a website I found that explains the importance of the cornerstone.

“The cornerstone’s three distinct characteristics distinguish it from the other stones used in construction: building orientation, history, and celebration.

History, the cornerstone was the first stone set during the building process. Careful measurements were taken to ensure the cornerstone was square to ensure the proper alignment of the remainder of the building.”

There is more to read there about the cornerstone and two other stones (Capstone and Keystone) that are important to building a structure. Based on the importance of the Cornerstone in a building project, as stated above, the building orientation would be an important step in building a structure, as it is in building a life with Jesus.

“The cornerstone’s three distinct characteristics distinguish it from the other stones used in construction; building orientation, history, and celebration.” “… to ensure the proper alignment of the remainder of the building.”

You must decide on the orientation of your life when you start a life with Jesus.  If you are all over the place and cannot focus on your life with Jesus involved, you will become confused and not focused and frustrated sometimes, and possibly mislead by the world.  That is not to say Christians that follow Jesus and have the “right” orientation don’t get confused and are not focused and frustrated sometimes.  However, a difference might be that a Christian that is walking with Jesus daily will eventually stop and ask forgiveness for getting off track and come back humbly for Jesus to continue to guide and direct their path.  That, I believe is re-orienting your life to make Jesus the Cornerstone.  Then you begin to build on that Cornerstone daily. He is the Cornerstone… You must place Jesus in the right orientation of your life to have fullness of joy.  Just breathe His name and He will hear.  You can rest assured that He will hear and comfort you. 

I believe I will end this post here.  I do believe I have two more posts from this topic, though.  The next one or two will be about History and Celebration!  I am so glad you are reading my posts and are following our Savior, Jesus.  King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  He loves you so much!  After all, He calls you His beloved.

Song – I AM THEY – Firm Foundation (Chapel Sessions) feat. Cheyenne Mitchell


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