Werther’s and the Word

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS POST, ALONG WITH MANY OF THE OTHERS WERE WRITTEN 7-10 YEARS AGO. The message is timeless but some references within the posts are outdated and do not apply to current day and time (2023). They were written when I had my other website, Abiding In The Vine. It does not exist any longer.

I was coming back from my 1st break of the day and as I walked up to my desk I saw that someone had laid a couple of pieces of candy on my desk.  This is not an uncommon thing around where I work.  We are always looking out for one another in one way or the other!  Candy, coffee, tea, sodas, food of any kind, etc.  It is always a nice surprise though to find candy.  This particular candy was a Werther’s Original but it was the Coffee flavor.   I am not much of a coffee drinker and thought I really wasn’t going to enjoy this … but I will try it.  As I get older I find that I am more willing to try new food items…lol.  Anyway, I unwrapped the first piece, popped it into my mouth and instantly my mouth was happy!  It was so good!  Yes, it had a flavor of coffee but blended with that wonderful Werther’s caramel flavor!  It was really, really good!  The longer I held it in my mouth the better it got!  I was “HOOKED”!  I asked “Who put this on my desk?”  One of my girlfriends just smiled.  I figured as much.  I thanked her and continued on enjoying my Werther’s Original Coffee caramel.  Over the next month or so I was eating more than I should have in one day!  But I couldn’t help myself!  They were so good!  It seem I had an insatiable appetite for these little candies.  Well, after a few months, my mouth finally allowed me to rest from them but for a while there it seemed as though I was eating my weight in them in a week’s time.  I guess my mouth just finally had enough.  I think I had only one today and none yesterday… so I am definitely getting better. 

Now there is something else that I have had an insatiable appetite for.  It began about 1 ½ years ago.  I began to read God’s Word and it began to come alive in my heart and soul!  Yes, I have read the Bible all my life, but it was when I started “listening” to the Bible on my YouVersion Bible App it changed everything!  I began listening on my way to work and found that was the first thing I listened to on my way home from work.  I started at the beginning – Genesis and listened through to Revelation!  Oh My Goodness!  I was hooked!  I couldn’t get enough!  Every day I was listening to the Bible and all the stories about Adam and Eve and all that they went through.  And all the wonderful Patriarchs of the Bible – Moses, Noah, Abraham, David, etc.  So many stories I have heard all my life and all came to life wherever I was!  It was a total LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE!  I learned who God really was and is!  I learned so much about how much He loved man, even all the “Stiff Necked Israelites”.    I don’t ever see me getting enough of God’s Word!  This is not like that candy where you taste it a little and then it’s gone!  God’s Word is living!  In Hebrews 4:12it states 12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  That is pretty strong!  God’s Word can change lives and has and does!  The more I know the more I want to know! 

I have heard it asked and I myself have asked a dear friend who was my Worship Pastor at the time… “How is it that you read a scripture in the Bible one day and you get something out of it and then next time you read that same scripture you get something else out of it?”  His response was short and sweet and timeless!  He simply said “Leah, because God’s mercies are new every morning.”  I have found this to be so true!  Here is the scripture that it refers to – Lamentations 3:22-2322 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning;  great is your faithfulness.”  I suppose I will never… NEVER… get tired of reading or listening to God’s Word.  I learn something different every time I read or hear it.  It fills me with such joy and peace and contentedness.  As I said before, the more I know, the more I want to know. 

I guess there is one other thing that I love as much… well, almost… as God’s Word is Praise and Worship Music.  I think this is because Praise and Worship music is just what it says… it praises and worships the God of all creation!  Jesus the Messiah and Lord of All!  And so many other things!  Much of it is scripture put to song.  I Love That!  I am so very fortunate to be in a church that preaches The Word of God and sings praises to and worships God Almighty!  That is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit!  Three In One! 

I would suggest that you set aside some time during the day – morning, noon or night – to read God’s Word.  That is of course if you don’t do this already!  BUT I WANT TO WARN YOU!!  It is addictive!!  If you read 1 chapter a day… start with the Gospel of John.  Read one chapter a day and in 3 weeks (21 days) you will have read the entire book of John.  You will love it!  I promise! 

Thanks for reading my blog too!  I do pray that you find peace and joy in the day – every day! Always remember that you are His Beloved.

Leah Adams

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