Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


Losing one’s grip on something can be costly.  It could mean the difference between life or death, rich or poor, happy, or sad.  But one thing is for sure… If you make sure that The One who has a grip on you and your life, is God the Father you will always be in a safe place.

Some years ago, I had a “friend” – and I use that term very loosely!  This friend turned out to be not so much of a friend and it took more than a year to discover the true person that they were.  But during this time of our “friendship” I lived with them for about 9 months.  It was the longest 9 months of my life (at the time).  Nonetheless… being in a bad situation – in a tight grip of a not so nice person – is what I found myself in and I remember saying to myself every day… “this is only temporary and will be over one day soon”.  Well, it did come to an end, and I was the happiest girl on the planet!  I got my own place and began my own life once again.  That grip that they had on me was tight but nothing as tight as the one my Savior had on me.  He never let me go and I knew it!  I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and knew one day it would be over, and it was!  However, it was important to me that I remembered, every day, that He had me in His grip!  The safest place to be!

In John 10:28-29 Jesus tells us that no one is able to snatch “His sheep” out of His hand.

27” My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30 I and My Father are one.”

I really love the references in the Bible about us being His sheep. More than that I love the reference of Him being our Shepherd. I read a book recently that talked about all the things a shepherd had to do to take care of his flock. It amazed me that anyone would actually choose that way of life. It is an arduous task just to get through one day with a flock of sheep, much less keep them all year and have them thrive. The shepherd must LOVE his sheep and care for them deeply to get them through all the things the life of a sheep has to deal with. The vast changes in weather, wild animals, pests, disease, etc. So many things. Yet, the shepherd gladly does it because he loves his sheep. He sacrifices so much for his flock. The sheep respond in a positive way to the shepherd also. Sometimes they get wayward though and find themselves in a predicament. The shepherd comes to their rescue at all costs. The one shepherd in the Bible that I love is David. He used to slay lions and bears to rescue his father’s sheep. He was quite the shepherd.

1 Samuel 17:34-36 – 34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant was tending his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock, 35 I went out after him and [a]attacked him, and rescued it from his mouth; and when he rose up against me, I seized him by his beard and [b]struck him and killed him. 36 Your servant has [c]killed both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he has taunted the armies of the living God.”

Then, of course, there is the best Shepherd of them all. Jesus Christ. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the One who loves us the most and will protect us from harm. He will never let us go and will never allow anyone or anything to snatch us out of His care. His grip is secure. His grip is safe.

Do you find yourself in the grip of something or someone that is uncomfortable or unsafe or just plain “not good”?  If you have ever trusted Jesus as your personal Savior, you are in His grip, and He will never let you go!  Trust Him to free you from that bad grip and keep you safe in His grip!  If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you can right now!  Go to this link and read the simple way to meet Jesus. Pray the prayer and become one of His sheep. He loves you so much! You are one of His beloved! I encourage you to find a church in your area or a Christian friend. Talk to them about your decision. It is the best one you could ever make! Feel free to email me for prayer requests. I would be honored to pray with you about anything!

Song – You’ve Turned My Mourning Into Dancing – Ron Kenoly


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