Living Water… hummm… here goes my brain again.  Just think, standing by a stream or a rushing river, there is such life in that water; not only the living organisms in the water itself, which we cannot see without a microscope, but the water itself is alive.  The water is alive with motion.  There is power in the water and the bigger the stream the more power there is.  It is also such a wonderful example of God’s creation.  It gives life to so much along the way.  The little rabbits that hop up to the edge to drink from it and the large deer that gracefully steps up – ever so cautiously – to get a refreshing drink.  Once I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Yellowstone National Park.  It is one magnificent place.  There were streams everywhere.  We came across this stream one time that was more like a river… it was very wide and pretty calm.  I looked out in the middle of the calm water and there was a huge moose standing there chewing on stuff he had grabbed from the bottom of the stream.  He was just chewing and loving the cool water engulfing his large body.  When he finished what he had in his mouth he would dunk his head down again and come up with green stuff just hanging out of his mouth and his huge rack of antlers.  He was one happy guy!  Quite massive! 

Jesus said in John 4:13-14 that He was the Living Water and if we drink of the Living Water that He gives we will never thirst again.  I love that story of the lady that comes to the well to draw water and she has this conversation with Jesus.  She had no idea who she was talking to until He told her of all she had done.  Wow… what an encounter.  I am going to compare here…that moose and us.  If we really believe in what Jesus said about Him giving Living Water… don’t you just want to stand in the middle of that Living Water and drink from it every day?  Reach down and grab some life-giving nourishment and live?  A relationship with Jesus will bring that life giving nourishment and you can live like never before!  The Bible – God’s Word is like Living Water to your soul too.  Reading His word is life giving and we can reach down deep into the scriptures and be nourished and refreshed with His Truth! 

I have lived a few years and have learned so many wonderful things about God and how He wants to have a close relationship with us.  He is not going to “force” Himself on us.  He is a gentleman and will wait to be invited in.  When you invite God into your daily life, accept Jesus as your personal Savior and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you daily, you will NEVER be the same!  I long for that “Living Water” every moment of every day.  It refreshes my soul and every fiber of my body.  I was so amazed at how listening to God’s Word daily made such a difference in my life.  I began to understand more about who the God of it all is!  Who Jesus is and Who the Holy Spirit is.  You cannot experience the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) without being changed forever! 

If you do not already have a quiet time with God daily, I encourage you and challenge you to set aside some time every day.  Read a chapter a day in God’s Word.  The Bible App helped me tremendously!  I loved the audible version.  I listen to the English Standard Version. If you do not know where to start, you can do like I did and just start at the beginning – Genesis, or The Gospel of John in the New Testament.  Anywhere you start is good.  Just pray for God to reveal to you what He wants you to know.  Pray for understanding and wisdom.  God will grant that to you!  He wants you to understand His love letter to us.  He wants us to know how much He loves us and wants a relationship with us!  So, drink from the spring of Living Water!  It will refresh your soul like you have never been refreshed!  Let Jesus along with God’s Word nourish your soul daily.  It will change your life and you will never be the same!  He loves you so much.  After all, He calls you His beloved.

The Singing Men of North Central Texas – Who Can Satisfy. 

In Him,

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