To Confine is to restrict or limit one’s activities.  Have you ever felt confined?  I was married to someone for 12 years that controlled me in almost every way.  Some of my friends have shared with me that they can relate to that very well.  To me being controlled (which is what I called most of the 12 years of my marriage) though, is a bit different than being confined.  Yes, confinement is a form of control but again, to confine is to restrict or limit one’s activities.  For some reason I don’t necessarily think of confinement as a bad thing in some instances.  When I worked in a call center (the 1st I had ever worked in) I felt confined at that time in my life only in my job.  Why?  Because my career has always been in the Project Management/Training area with freedom to move about and come and go as I pleased and needed to.  Then, in a call center, I was confined or restricted to a desk, computer and a headset.  This was quite a challenge for me for about the first 14 months.  However, I grew to love the folks I worked with and worked for.  I don’t know if I have ever felt so much a part of a team in all of my working life – up to that point.  It was so different than anything I had ever done and yet it became a refreshing part of my day when I went to work.  I grew exponentially there in my own spirit and self.  I have learned so much about people and the diversity that is in the world today.  God allowed me to grow and learn and I am so grateful! I learned so much about people, responsibility and being grateful.  I believe there is still so much for me to learn. 

Today, I find myself in another call center.  This one is a bit different.  All of us work from home.  Now that is a great thing!  This call center is the BOMB!  I so look forward to going to work every day.  My customers and co-workers are the best, and my manager … She is the best I have ever worked for!  And I have had a lot of managers in my day.  God has blessed me beyond measure this time for sure!

So, with all that said, confinement to me was not necessarily a bad thing at that time in my life.  Let’s look at a group of people that were taken into captivity, though.  Confined in the biggest way!  This website – Got Questions is great for questions and answers.  That link will tell you a lot about the folks in Judah being captured and how and what happened to them.  I think you will enjoy reading that article. So, the folks from Judah that were taken captive and taken to Babylon were in a confinement situation also.  Jeremiah’s message to them from God was to use the time wisely and grow!  Here is another link for information about Jeremiah in the Bible.  He encouraged the Israelites to grow physically and have children and build houses, etc.  Use the time and place where God has you to the best of your abilities and see how God will bless you!  He is in the business of blessing you know.  He loves us so much that he wants the best for us.  One of my favorite scriptures is Jerimiah 29:11- 1311 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

God delivered the folks of Judah after 70 years.  I would say they went through some hardships and trials and tribulations.  Adjusting to being confined in Babylon.   He will deliver you too!  In whatever place you find yourself, God is waiting to hear your voice.  He loves you.  He cares about what you are going through.  We just have to trust that where He has us is right where we are supposed to be. 

One more thing to remember … when you read Scripture, you have to realize who the Scripture was meant for.  Yes, this passage was meant for the captives.  We can still glean good things from it though.  I have a friend that says, “don’t look for yourself or how the scripture relates to you but look for Jesus.”  Jesus is all throughout the Old Testament.  You just have to look.  He’s there in some of the most surprising places.  Yes, we can adopt this Scripture as our own, realizing who it was meant for.  But He does have “…plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  He will not confine you in bad ways.  It is always for your good.  He loves you so much.  After all, He calls you His Beloved.

Abiding In Him,

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