I worked with a very wonderful lady in Beaumont many years ago.  I had known her for a while and knew she was a Christian … an on-fire Christian!  I loved being around her because of her fervor for the Lord.  She loved the Bible and sharing God’s word with anyone!  She loved God and you knew it just by being with her a very short time.  She would pray on the spot if you had a need.  She kept a Bible at her desk and read it regularly on her lunch hour.  I would venture to say she knew it backwards and forwards.  Over time I grew to love her a lot!  She became a dear friend, and I am sorry we lost touch with each other.  That was so much of “another life” of mine.  Such a growing time for me. 

On the other hand, I knew of another person that talked the talk and even seemed to walk the walk of a Christian.  They knew scriptures and knew the right words to offer up as a prayer but there didn’t seem to be any substance to their prayers or them for that matter.  They were kind, funny and easy to be around but there didn’t seem to be any depth to them.  They knew how to be the life of the party and make folks laugh and enjoy themselves – but when it came down to carrying on a conversation of any depth at all they seemed only half there.  You could talk about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit… well, maybe not the Holy Spirit… lol… and they seemed to know all the right words.  But I never saw the fire in their eyes or experienced the fire in their soul or heart.  I would venture to say they were pretty much “lukewarm” Christians.  Not really hot or cold…  just somewhere in between.  Let’s look at what Jesus says about lukewarm Christianity!

In Revelation 3 Jesus is talking to John and instructing him to write to the “Seven Churches” which are the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.  These churches had at one time been “on fire” for the Lord (See this link here for a wonderful explanation of these scriptures).  They had lost their passion and fervor for God and His ways.  I know that God disdains the lukewarm person – one that is wishy-washy about their beliefs.  See what Jesus says in Revelation 3:14-16 about lukewarm Christians.  15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,[b] I will vomit you out of My mouth.”  Pretty strong words.  It is not a pretty site.  We, as Christians, cannot allow our faith to become lukewarm.  Sure we feel tired, and worn out and wrung out at times.  I believe those are the times when we need to go to God for rejuvenation.  He rejuvenates us through His Word and Prayer.  These are vital in a believer’s life! 
James 5:16 tells us 16 Confess your trespasses[a] to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”   

If you are lukewarm, you don’t pray fervently.  That is when someone is “on fire-sold out” for The Lord!  Here is the definition of Fervent: having or displaying a passionate intensity.  Never let it be said that I was lukewarm about anything!  A “bull in a china closet” is what mom has always called me.  I don’t usually do anything lukewarm.  I usually get in there with all fours and get it done.  LOL….

I love God and His Word and love the growth He has given me this past two years and look forward to the new growth for the coming year!  I pray that you also will find new growth in God.  He loves us so much and wants us to share His love for His people and our love for Him with others.  Lukewarm is not a pretty picture of a passionate believer!  I pray you are passionate for God and His Word.  It is God’s Love Story to us.  I challenge you today to begin reading the Bible.  The Bible App is wonderful and I love to listen to the narration.  It comes to life when I hear the stories over and over again!  There are many Bible Reading plans, or you can just begin at the beginning (Genesis) and read to the end (Revelation).  It’s all good! 

Listen to this song by Scot Cameron.  He explains that being a believer in Christ is “something to shout about”.   

In Him,

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