Estimated read time 6 min read

Originally written several years ago (2014) – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


I feel led to complete the week with a final “Thankfulness” post. This week has been a week full of Thankful Posts. I have so much to be thankful for and this week has only scratched the surface. However, the posts have been some of my main things I thank God every day for. The one thing I think I left out was for my family… immediate and extended. After yesterday, I must tell you… I am so very thankful for my sweet family. I think I have the best Sister-In-Laws ever! They helped me with the meal and clean-up so much! Actually, it was so very good to have everyone pitching in to help… My nieces, their husbands, brothers and their wives … everyone! I am so very blessed with my family!  I think everyone was just happy to help because we had our mom! Let me explain!

Yesterday, both brothers and their wives and kids joined mom, dad, and me for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.  We always do have a great time of fun, food, and fellowship.  Yesterday was the same as always, but it just seemed more special because … mainly … we had our mother with us still.  This year – in June 2014 – mom had a stroke and had a pretty rough time of it for a few months.  God preserved her life and has restored her health almost back to 100%.  She is one tough lady and quite the survivor.  I think we were so wrapped up in enjoying yesterday that we forgot to actually say thanks for giving our mom back to us!  God knows how grateful we are though. 

Yep, last June, mom and I were going to get her hair cut when we stopped to get a drink at Quick Trip beforehand.  When I came back out to the truck, she couldn’t talk.  That was the first thing in a long string of events that led to her being taken to the hospital by the EMT folks.  It was a very scary time for me.  I simply couldn’t understand why mom was not able to talk.  My brain totally was in denial… and shut down.  I didn’t even think… STROKE! Oh My… I remember pulling over on a side street and praying… “Lord, I don’t know what’s wrong, but You do.  Please tell me what to do…”  He simply said, “Take her home to familiar surroundings.”  I did, called 911 and the wonderful Bedford Fireman came to take her away to the hospital.  The next several hours proved to be a challenge for us all.  My brother and sister-in-law from Rockwall came over to the hospital.  My other brother and his wife came up from Southeast Texas – 5-hour drive, and over the course of the next few days, mom had nieces and nephews visiting along with church folks and other friends. 

That first day she totally lost her speech and almost lost her life… but God had mercy on her and us and gradually restored all her faculties.  However, it wasn’t without a lot of work on mom’s part and a lot of help from many nurses and doctors.  They were amazing and they were such a wonderful team that helped give my mom back to us.  Of course, we all know that it was because of the healing powers of prayer and God hearing all those prayers.  When mom went to the hospital, I put the word out with my friends on Facebook and in minutes, there were people praying all over the world for my mother.  The power of prayer is an incredible thing!  You have heard me say, prayer is the most powerful tool that we have here on earth.  That is one of the main reasons I am doing the “Prayer” series.  It is a very important method of reaching our Father’s heart.  God loves to hear His children pray.

So, with all the events mentioned above, we are one grateful and thankful family.  Yesterday was such a wonderful time of just hanging out and being together.  Laughing, talking, sharing, praying, eating, laughing some more, listening and all the other things that go along with family get-togethers at our house.  

With all that said, we are THANKFUL to have our mom to enjoy another Holiday time with us. 

Below Added 9-9-2023

Re-reading this above, and all the others, have just reminded me of how wonderful my God is!  When I read about the day that mom had her stroke, it was like I was transported back in time.  I remember the confusion on her face when I asked her a question and she could not answer me.  I remember the panic in my heart because I didn’t know what was going on at that minute.  She was fine when I went inside to get our drinks.  So, what could be wrong.  She and I had been talking and laughing like always, now this!?  She can’t talk.  However, I do remember pulling over on a side street and praying.  Asking God what to do.  It was a peace that I felt at that time.  I am so thankful for that clarity at that moment.  To actually hear God speak to my heart.  What a day it was.  And we had her for another two and a half years after that.  If only I had known that it was going to be so short… but God doesn’t allow us to know those things, most of the time.  He is a good God though.  For giving me the time I did have with her, and my dad also.  Those 8 years with her were such a tremendous blessing.  Then my sweet daddy is still alive and will be 93 this coming November (2023).  I now have a sweet Bonus Mom!  Daddy remarried 3 years after mom’s death.  Ms. Carolyn is a wonderful lady.  She loves my daddy and helps to take care of him.  I can close this writing with a great big THANKS to her for her dedication to him. 

In Him,

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