Estimated read time 4 min read

Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


Yesterday I gave thanks for three or four things (and friends) that are very special to me.  Here is the link to the post if you missed it “GIVING THANKS TO THE LORD – DAY 2”. 

One of the most important things I am thankful for is my Country – USA!  The United States of America is an amazing land.  I am so thankful that God allowed me to be born here in this wonderful “free” country.  One of my pastors mentioned Sunday, how fortunate we are that we live in this country and that we can gather at church without the fear of the Government coming in to take our Bibles or our lives… We can worship and pray whenever we want, however we want.  That is a privilege that many human beings do not have.  I am so thankful I do! 

I am thankful for Prayer.  God has provided us a way to communicate with Him and become very intimate and close to Him.  Being close to the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty, Most Wonderful God is a very valuable thing!  Prayer is a way to connect with Him and I am so thankful I can speak or not speak my prayers and my God hears me.   Prayer can soothe our worried soul and calm the storm inside.  It can encourage us and lift us up.  It can open our eyes and our hearts to God’s will.  It can help guide us along the way of life.  It is the most powerful tool we have here on earth!  Prayer is POWERFUL!  I am so thankful God provided Prayer as a way of communicating with Him. 

I am also very thankful for our beautiful earth.  I have said before, God could have made this earth black and white, and we would never have known the difference.  I love the earth and all that is within it!  The clouds, the rain, the sunshine, the blue sky, all the animals – except that pesky little mole or moles that live in my front yard!!!  Well, I would love him if he would move on down the street!!!  But I digress… The earth is a beautiful place, and I am thankful God made it beautiful so I could enjoy the beauty!

Along with the earth and all that is within it… I love the birds.  I am so thankful that God created such a variety of birds.  I feed the wild birds in my backyard and sitting and watching them is so relaxing to me.  I counted one time and I have about 22 different types of birds that visit my feeders throughout the year.  That is amazing to me!  I love all the creatures of God’s earth, but birds are one of my favorites.  I am thankful God made a beautiful variety for me to enjoy. This is a fantastic video and song.  Some of the finest creations by our God!

The Video – Creation Calls – Brian Doerksen.

I am also so very thankful that God gave me a tender heart.  I said that the other day for the first time out loud and it dawned on me that it is a very big blessing.  Yes, I get hurt so easily about some things, but I would rather have a tender heart than a hard heart.  Hard hearts can tend to get one in trouble or at least keep people at a distance.  That is not what I want. I love my tender heart and the ability to love with it. 

You know… I want to encourage you to leave me comments as to some things you are thankful for.  That sounds like a great idea!  I do hope you will leave me a comment.  I love to read your opinions, ideas or just plain say Hi! 

 Will close for now.  Looking forward to sharing more thankfulness tomorrow.

In Him,


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