Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


I arrived at work early.  I had some cuttings from a few of my plants in my front flower bed to give to someone at work.  When I arrived, there were a few folks standing around talking and one of them was one of the Housekeeping ladies.  I gave the plants to my friend and went on to my desk.  The Housekeeping lady came to ask me if I would look at one of the plants in the lobby to see what I thought might be wrong with it.  So, I told her I had time right then and so we went downstairs to check it out.

She showed me that it was turning brown on the tips of the leaves and asked me what I thought it could be.  She also told me that she noticed that the plant looked like it was “root-bound” when she mixed up the dirt around the base of the plant.  I picked the pot up and looked in the little holes in the bottom of the pot.  Sure enough… I saw roots.  Yep, I told her it was probably root-bound and was not able to spread out and flourish because of it.  We talked about a solution and so she set off to investigate what it would take to accomplish re-potting it and helping it to grow.

As I got back on the elevator to go back upstairs, that all too familiar Voice whispered to my heart… “Here’s another one, Leah”.  I smiled and felt a warmth in my heart and peace in my soul that only comes from knowing you have a relationship with a God that cares about each step you take during a day’s time.  Yep, that was God telling me this was a perfect example of a topic to talk about.  So here I am to talk about how a Christian becomes “root-bound” sometimes. 

I Googled root-bound and found many things.  Some excerpts from what I found about being root-bound:

“…This means the plant has been in its pot for too long and that potentially it has not been getting the nutrition it needs from the soil because there simply isn’t enough potting soil left in the pot because it has been replaced with roots.

The other problem with a root bound plant is that if you don’t separate the roots and plant it as is, the roots will continue to grow in the same circular pattern as in the pot, not spreading out to take advantage of soil and water.

Depending on the plant, it’s relatively easy to fix the problem, but it may take some strength and courage because you will have to rip or cut the roots. What’s important to remember is that most plants are pretty tough. Though some don’t like you messing with their roots, most will be just fine and will grow better after their constricted roots have been untangled or cut.  …

For plants with bigger tougher roots, I take a serrated knife or sharp shovel and cut the roots, either making slices down the sides of the plant, or making a cross cut on the bottom of the plant, then spreading out the four quarters of root ball I’m left with.”

And another description of what a “root bound” is:

When a plant grows for too long in its container, it generally becomes root-bound. With no room for additional growth, roots become tangled, matted, and grow in circles.

Root-bound plants placed in the ground without having their roots untangled often fail to overcome their choked condition. This results in stunting the plants’ growth and potential.

And yet another…

Definition: A disorder of the root system that occurs when a plant is allowed to grow too long in a pot that is too small for it. The roots wrap around in on themselves and become tangled.

Now I know you can imagine where I am going with this… If we, as Christians, stay in one place too long, and do not spread ourselves out there to be salt and light, we can become “root bound”.  Jesus said… “Go and tell…” not “Stay and vegetate!”  We must be able to go outside our comfort zone and share God’s love.  If we stay where we are planted and never branch out, we will never grow and others will never hear about the wonderful grace that we have experienced through Jesus!   Again, if we stay where we are, as the above description says, we just go in circles and never grow.  How many of you feel like you are going in circles sometimes?  I will have to say I do sometimes, then I ask myself, “Self, when have you shared God’s love with someone?”  “Has it been lately or are you just staying in your “comfort zone” and vegetating?” 

Then as it also states above … to correct the problem of a “root bound” plant you have to take some drastic measures… just as you do if you are a “root bound” Christian.  Here is a copy of the above text about what you need to do to correct the problem.

Depending on the plant, it’s relatively easy to fix the problem, but it may take some strength and courage because you will have to rip or cut the roots. What’s important to remember is that most plants are pretty tough. Though some don’t like you messing with their roots, most will be just fine and will grow better after their constricted roots have been untangled or cut.  …

For plants with bigger tougher roots, I take a serrated knife or sharp shovel and cut the roots, either making slices down the sides of the plant, or making a crosscut on the bottom of the plant, then spreading out the four quarters of root ball I’m left with.”

Now my favorite part is the term they used “crosscut”.  The Cross cut that we need to do as Christians needs to be applied to our heart though.  As you can read in the text above, the seriously root bound plant needs even more drastic measures as some Christians do.   The “tougher” situations need the bigger artillery brought in to unbind and unwind the roots so the plant/Christian can grow and flourish.  If this is not done with plants or Christians, they will eventually die.  If there is no soil for the plant it will choke itself to death and if there is no “soil” or daily nourishment from God’s word, fellowship with other believers, sharing God’s love with others… the Christian will become stagnant and lukewarm, and we all know what God says about “lukewarm Christians”.  Here is the scripture:

Revelation 3:1616“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

We must be about our Father’s business if we want blessings and to bless others.  God is faithful to make the fruit grow when we plant the seeds. There are two scriptures that come to mind first…

John 15:5

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”

Matthew 13:3-8

Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

We plant the seed, God makes it grow.  But we first have to get out of our comfort zone and “GO”.  Don’t become “root bound” by your selfishness… Go and Tell!  That is what we were commanded to do!

Mark 16:15

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Tell others… You will be surprised how good you feel inside when you do!  If you are not sure what to say to someone, talk to God about it.  He would love to talk to you about it… and many other things, too!  He loves you so much!  After all, He calls you His beloved.

The Song – God So Loved the World – Charles Billingsley


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