Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


Does your pride get you in trouble sometimes?  Does your Pride goeth before a fall?  Read about a current day situation where it did and one from the Old Testament.

I heard of someone once that was so excited about going on their vacation that they told all their friends and neighbors and they even spread the word on Facebook.  They explained how they had been waiting for this trip for a long time and told them where they were going and all the details about how long they would be gone.  They had no dogs or cats at home so no one would be checking in on them.  This person that was spreading the word seemed a bit haughty and prideful about sharing how they were going to go here and there and do this and that… so you can probably guess the ending of this story.   Well, when they arrived home, they walked into their house, and it was in total shambles!  Yep, someone had heard that their house was going to be unattended and took advantage of it.  They lost a lot of things, and their house was totally trashed!  Now you say this person was just the unlucky person that was robbed randomly… right?  Wrong.  They found out through some sort of investigation that the person that broke in and robbed them was a “friend” and they had heard or read it on Facebook … well, I don’t know how much of a friend they were, but they were an acquaintance at least. 

How many times have we kind of “shared” in pride or wrong motives about something we have acquired or a place we are going, etc.  There is nothing wrong with sharing your excitement with folks.  It all comes down to the heart.  Where is your heart and attitude when you do… and I don’t think it’s a good idea to share with everyone.  Maybe your closest friends and family… only…?  What do you think?  God tells us in His Word in Proverbs 16:18 that “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”   There is a story in the Old Testament about a king that was a very good king. He loved the Lord, and he did a lot of great things for God. However, he got a little too free with his “sharing” and his “bragging” to the wrong folks. I am speaking about King Hezekiah. As the story goes the king became deathly ill and the Prophet Isaiah told him he was going to die, King Hezekiah prayed that he would be allowed to live. The Lord heard his humble prayer and gave him 15 more years. Read the story here Isaiah 38.

Now after King Hezekiah recovered, he had a visitor from Babylon. This visitor was sent by the son of the King of Babylon in response to hearing that King Hezekiah had been sick and he had recovered. Here is what the scripture says:

Isaiah 39:1 – “…the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah, for he heard that he had been sick and had recovered.” Now King Hezekiah liked this, and this is when he got a little too prideful. He began showing them all of his riches and all of his treasures. He never once gave God the glory for his recovery or his wealth and success. The scripture actually says that God withdrew from him to test his heart … here is the scripture: 2 Chronicles 32:31. It could be that he was just so happy to have been blessed to receive his health back… scripture doesn’t really say.  But the manner in which he “shared” his wonderful treasures makes me think there was a bit more than gratefulness also, he didn’t glorify God in any of it. God had “withdrawn” from him to test his heart! His heart proved to be too prideful at that time.

Folks don’t get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong with having nice things and even a lot of nice things and going to nice places.  There is nothing wrong with telling others about some nice things that have come your way. It all comes down to the attitude.  What is the attitude of your heart today?  Have you allowed God to give you a new heart?  Just be careful of being too boastful about all the “things” you have acquired or where your next vacation spot will be.  It might be the downfall of some kind.   Don’t let your “pride goeth before a fall” in your life.

After all it ALL belongs to Him, and we are just using it or borrowing it. God owns all things! He created ALL things! He should get our praises and thanks every day for every breath we breathe! God knows our hearts.  We may be able to hide from others, but we cannot ever hide anything from God. 

He also knows you and knows your heart and mind.  He created you.  However, He does love you… He loves you so much and wants to help you in your shortcomings… or your weaknesses.  He will guide your words if your heart is turned toward Him.  He just wants you to turn to Him for guidance and help when you need it and even when you “don’t think you need it”. Ask Him to help you today. He is waiting for you to call out to Him.  He loves you so much.  After all, He does call you His beloved!

The Song –

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