Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


I like some shortcuts and others … not so much!  I would rather take NO SHORTCUTS as to jeopardize certain things in my life.  Let me explain. 

In my past life… or career (no I don’t believe I ever lived before in another life), I created training manuals for many different things, for example telephone equipment, software, copiers, faxes, business skills, etc.  The reason I started writing my own manuals was because when I trained the folks with the manual that came with the equipment, it seemed as if the writers of the manual had left out some important steps.  They apparently had not used the equipment or software before they sat down to write the manual.  The writer of the manual took the “shortcut” to writing an instruction manual that was supposed to help people understand something that was going to make their workday easier.  Instead, it made it harder because some critical points were not included in the manuals.  So, I took it upon myself to write my own.  Someone taking shortcuts in this way caused more work for me, yes, but it gave me the opportunity to learn more about the equipment or software and write a better manual.  I was never accused of writing too little in the manuals – I guess you can imagine that though.  I wanted a thorough understanding of what I was going to be training so in turn the folks I would be training would be able to understand and use it with ease, with a User’s Manual that was easy to understand. 

Now if you are riding with me sometime, you will realize that I like to take the long way around to get to my destination.  Why would I do this?  To avoid traffic and construction or just because I like the scenic route better. It all depends on the situation and where I am going.  That is another time I prefer to take NO SHORTCUTS! 

In life there are some shortcuts we can take and then there are those that cause more damage than you can imagine.  Aren’t you glad God didn’t shortcut His manual to us.  The Bible is God’s manual, or I like to call it His Love Story to us.  It is a wonderful book to read or listen to.  I prefer to listen most of the time.  It seems to come to life when I do.  I have recently been given a Chronological Bible and also found the same thing on my Bible app that I listen to on my phone.  I LOVE IT!!  I wouldn’t suggest that it be the only Bible you have, but it is wonderful for reference and studying.  Here is a link to Bible Gateway’s Chronological Bible.  God’s Word is an amazing book that has NO SHORTCUTS.  Just ask Moses… there were no shortcuts to the Promised Land – 40 years in the wilderness (here is the beginning of the story) … Or David… he had to be a shepherd first before he became King (here is the link to the beginning of that story).  Then there is Joseph.  I really love the story of Joseph.  Poor Joseph was just telling (maybe a little bit of bragging) or sharing his dream with his brothers when they threw him in the pit (here is the beginning of that story).  They really didn’t like him. There were no shortcuts to saving all those folks.  Joseph had to go through a lot before he was in a position to help so many folks.  This NO SHORT CUT thing wouldn’t be complete unless I included what Jesus did on the Cross.  There were absolutely NO SHORTCUTS in what He did.  He lived, He died, He rose!  He saved the world through His death and resurrection!  He took NO SHORTCUTS!  Thank Goodness! The beginning of Jesus’ story is here in any of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.  My favorite is John. 

John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it.

They all tell the same story but with a little different twist on each because they were written by each of those men.  The Most Wonderful Story of them all!  Pick one and read about Jesus. 

I believe Satan tries to shortcut us in life.  He whispers to us many things that tell us that we can do this or that by taking a short cut.  Or better yet, something that I read on the internet the other day… “there are many ways to God (Heaven) …”  That is a shortcut in my opinion, and it is a lie straight from Hell!  NO!  There is only One Way to God… and that is through His Son Jesus Christ.  This link will help you understand the simple Plan of Salvation.  You can’t take the short cut to be “good enough” to go to heaven.  Satan is the father of lies and he will tell you many things like that.  Be careful of the lies he whispers to you and be careful to take shortcuts in life.  They may just get you in trouble. 

I am so thankful that God has provided His perfect life manual written without shortcuts and He has provided The Way to get to Him and that would be through His Son Jesus Christ!  He loves us so much and wants to spend eternity with us.  The Bible has all the answers you ever need to make it in life as a Christian.  Oh, there are good books and devotions, like this one, that are good and helpful. But there are some books out there that teach very deceptive things.  The Bible, like I said, I like to call it God’s Love Story to us.  Read it sometime and be amazed at the stories!  God wants to share His stories with you.  He loves you so much, after all He calls you His beloved!

Song – Voice of Truth – Casting Crowns


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