Rainy Night in the Metroplex

How raindrops on my windshield spoke volumes to my spirit!

Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


It was a rainy night in the metroplex.
as I drove picking up passenger after passenger.

You may or may not know that I am an Uber driver now.  I clock a lot of windshield time.  I drive in the sunshine or rain.  I really don’t mind driving at all and through the rain or sun … makes no difference to me.   I just don’t drive after dark.  Except now during the Fall/Winter when it gets dark so darn early.  I do try to be off the paying road and headed home by dark anyway.  I have a thing about people getting into my vehicle that are … well … a little inebriated.  You see, my “new-to-me” vehicle, that I have had a year now, is the first vehicle I have had that has all leather and loaded.  Yep, I made a heck of a deal Black Friday 2015.  I love it!  It is a Toyota 4Runner and it is probably the nicest vehicle I have had since I have been single.  Anyway, I digress.  Back to the windshield time. 

The other day it was raining on and off and I found myself headed home in the rain.  So… I noticed something that spoke volumes to me.  Actually, I heard that familiar voice in my spirit that said… “This is a good topic to write about.”  To be honest, I have heard that voice a lot in the last few months and just never wrote about any of the topics.  I made a note about the topic but just never put the words down that went with it.  That happens from time to time.  I just seem to think I am too busy and do not take the time to write those important words that are waiting to be put to the keyboard.  As you have read before, if you have ever read any of my blog posts, that I don’t really know what I am going to write fully until I sit down and do it.  It seems as though God is guiding my thoughts and fingers as I type.  I like that too! 

It usually takes me anywhere from 3-4 hours to write a blog post, proof it, add scriptures and pictures to it and then do the “Yoast, SEO perfection” to it.  That is why I haven’t done much writing lately.  I am trying to drive and do many other things to earn $$$ so as NOT to return to “Corporate America” to work.  I love being more available for mom and dad and for a few other things.  Really, I am so much happier now than I ever was before in so many areas of my life.  One of the many things that makes me happy is having mom and dad living here with me.  God has truly blessed me with their presence, every day!  We have a lot of fun together.  Yes, it’s not always peaches and cream, but it is life.  It is real and it is love.  It is family! We do love each other, and we are learning how to co-exist and have a grand time doing it. 

So, back to the rainy night on my way home from “Ubering” all day.   It wasn’t really raining hard, just a little sprinkling.  One of those kinds of rain that if you are in the darker areas, you can see just fine through that windshield, but once the light of an oncoming vehicle shines on your windshield the reflection of the light on the rain droplets makes it difficult to see unless you use your windshield wipers.  It was just about the time when the light from an oncoming car hit my windshield and my eyes couldn’t adjust to see when I heard … “This is a good topic.  The spots all over the windshield represents the sin in your life and the light … well, represents Me.” Also, when you turn on the windshield wipers, they wipe the rain drops (sin spots) away like Jesus does when He becomes Lord of our lives.  It brought tears to my eyes, as it always does.  I immediately knew in my spirit what was being said and knew I was going to write a post about it someday! 

We may have a clean windshield for a very short time, but then that old sin nature creeps back in – because we are human – and we sin again.  Just because Jesus comes into our lives and becomes our Lord doesn’t mean that we become perfect and never sin.  There will always be those showers of just sprinkles of sin or the “Oh My Gosh! Downpour!!” of sin.  I have experienced both, more than I care to say, since Jesus shined His Pure, White Light onto the windshield of my life and exposed all the sin spots and wiped those sin spots away. 

You know, we are human, and God/Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves.  He knows that we are going to sin and sin again.  He is our Creator.  The Creator always knows what the created is going to do. However, Jesus didn’t come to this earth to just be an excellent example.  He came to do just what He did.  Live a sinless life, be crucified on a cruel cross and die there.  Then be buried in a borrowed tomb and RISE AGAIN on the third day, after defeating death and Satan.  He is now in Heaven awaiting the time when the Father says “Son, go get my children.”  That will be THE MOST AWESOME DAY!!!  We will meet Him in the air and live with Him forever.  That is if you have asked Jesus into your heart to Shine His Pure, White Light onto the windshield of your life and wipe away those sin spots and the sin that you will commit in the future. 

1 John 1:6-8 English Standard Version (ESV)

If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

You say, well, “If Jesus is going to wipe away my sin now and, in the future, I can sin and not worry about it.”  That, my friend, is one way you can look at it, however, if you truly give your life over to Him and want Him to lead and guide you in your daily walk with Him, you will not EVER have that attitude.  He loves you and wants a true and healthy relationship with you.  You don’t say… “Well, since I am married, I can do anything I want.”  WRONG!  You want your relationship to be a good one.  You want to please the person you are spending the rest of your life with.  You love them so you want to do whatever it takes to make them happy and feel loved.  You don’t want to hurt them intentionally.  Although we want these things for our loved one, sometimes, we mess up.  They mess up.  We, neither one is perfect.  We should know this going into the relationship. Likewise, in our relationship with Jesus.  Although He is perfect, we are not and never will be.  We should want to please Him and want Him to feel our love.  You don’t ever want to do something intentionally to hurt Him, but it happens.  When we begin to live our life for ourselves and do it “our way”, that is basically a sin.  It is not easy to live with one foot in the world and one foot with Jesus.  It pulls at your heart, and it hurts Jesus’ heart.  He wants all of you, just like you want all of your spouse’s love.  This is the way we should feel if we have a “real” relationship with Jesus.  Sometimes, though, we do hurt Him.  We do disappoint Him.  We are human and He knows it.  This is a link to a very good website about hurting God.  It speaks to many different things. 

Anyway, the raindrops on my windshield will always remind me of my sin and how Jesus shined His Pure, White Light onto the windshield of my life and wiped away my sin because of His death on the cross.  His blood on that cross covered my sins.  Even 2000 years ago, He knew then that I would need His cleansing power over my life.  His blood has wiped my windshield clean and always will. 

If you would like to know this Jesus I have been speaking about, click this link and it will take you to a website that will explain what it means to be saved and it will guide you into a relationship with Him.  He loves you so much.  After all, He calls you His beloved. 

Song – Thank You Jesus for the Blood – Charity Gayle


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