Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


This is one of those mornings that I sit quietly and seek God’s words to type to you ladies.  So many things flood my mind of examples of how God has changed me, but I can’t seem to settle on one particular thing.  I wait and ask God to show me what He wants me to share.  I wait, listen, and seek.  And like always… He says, “type and I will give it to you.”  And so, I begin…

Some of you may know that one of my loves is drawing.  I have actually just started this activity since I started working where I am now (within the last year).  I picked up a pencil and started doodling between calls.  It has developed into a little more than that now.  I have actually sold some of my drawings.  The one thing I love to do is the names of God.  I started a series and have only done a few and plan to finish.  I do the vine and leaves and/or flowers around the page and in and out of the name (for example: Jehovah Jireh – which is God our Provider).   The other thing I love to draw is horses.  When I get one started it looks quite odd at first.  I take great care to get it just right but until that final touch of the pencil or eraser, it is not presentable.  Each stroke of the pencil adds just a little more – whether I am drawing a free hand drawing like the names of God or a horse.  I am no professional by any means, but I do love to draw.  It is relaxing to me.  My pictures are an expression of my love for whatever it is I am drawing. 

We are like that with God, you know.  We are His expression of love.  He loves us and keeps perfecting us as time goes on.  At least He likes to keep perfecting us.  Some of us may not be pliable enough to be changed yet.  He may have to work on little pieces at a time with some of us, but He will change us.  He is perfecting us to be presentable to Him in the day Jesus returns!  Oh, My What A Day!!!  I know that I am being changed and I have SO MUCH more to be changed to be like Him.  Is He changing you?  Are there areas that you don’t want Him to touch?  Seek God’s heart today on how you need to be changed to be more like Him. 

The Song – All That We Are – Darlene Zschech

The above was written in June 2014. 

I am re-reading this post on August 17, 2023.  It looks like I stopped short of completing it.  However, I believe that “… 28 And we know that to them that love God, all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. So let’s see what God has to say about that.

As Darlene Zschech’s song says … “All that we are for your glory, all that we are for Your name, Jesus…” We are here to bring glory to God.  He placed us wherever we are right now, in whatever is going on, is to bring glory to God.  You say… “how is my pain and problems going to bring glory to God?”  Well, it is through our pain and problems that we learn to lean into God/Jesus for relief.  If all was always rosy and peachy keen, would we ever call out to God and ask Him to help us?  I don’t think so.  I know I had to “hit bottom” so to speak before He got my attention.  Oh, I gave Him “lip service” when it was convenient but did I ever ask Him to show me the areas that needed to be fixed to bring Him glory?  No.  I did not.  I am ashamed to say that, except that when I finally came to the realization that I was here on this earth NOT to do as I wanted but to bring glory to Him who made me.  Now that is not to say that I have it all together today.  NO! I do not.  However, I strive daily to reach out to God and ask for wisdom, guidance, knowledge, and HELP to be who He wants me to be.  He does step in when I humble myself to Him.  As I have said before, He is a gentleman.  He will not force Himself on anyone if they do not want Him in their life.  However, He does wait for them to call out to Him.  And, when we do humble ourselves and call out to Him, He will answer us.  He is right there.  Call out to Him today.  He loves you so much.  He calls you His beloved.

Video – Hello My Name Is – Matthew West


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