Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


You have met those people… the ones that think the universe (or at least the earth) revolves around them.  There have been a few folks like that who crossed my path.  You try to carry on a conversation with them and they inevitably bring any sentence back to themselves and what they have done.  I met a man one time that was like this.  We met a Chili’s and had supper and talked for 2 hours.  He seemed a bit nervous but continued to bring up topics about himself and his family and his life for the entire 2 hours.  I just considered his actions and attitude were because he was nervous to meet the first time, so I invited him over in a few days to watch a movie.  He again sat there and talked about himself, his job, his family, and his x-wife.  That was the last I saw of that man – my choice.  I consider this an insecurity of some kind and needs to be addressed in some way, but I am not a psychologist, so I won’t go there. 

I will go to what I know and that is this… I love God’s creation and how creation cries out.  In Luke 19:28-48 Jesus Himself says…  “He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”  This past Sunday we sang a praise song that was about the very creation of God crying out to Him.  It was a great song to sing.  Here is the link to the video.  Watch it and know that if we are silent, the very creation of God will praise Him as it already does!  The Psalms also speak to God’s creation.  Psalm 148 is just one of the Psalms that talks about the creation God has given us and it should praise Him!  If we take time to look around us, we don’t have to look very long to see how wonderful God’s creation is.  You know… if God had given us a Black & White world, we would never know the difference.  I am so very glad He didn’t.  Because I love color and diversity, just like He does. 

I have written before about my trips to Yellowstone National Park and the majesty of His creation!  I love talking about God’s creation because it is something that is so wonderful, and it is all around us.  He cares for us and cares for His earth.  One of my brothers sent me an email recently with a link to a video on Yosemite National Park.  It was a wonderful testament to God and all He has given us.  Check this out and be amazed at His magnificence! 

So, with all that said, we all should realize that we are not the center of anything and God is!  Just like Pastor Brad said, God is God, and I am not!  Thank goodness!  Talk to Him today.  He is waiting.  He loves you so much.  After all He calls you His beloved.

The Song – The Earth is Yours – Gungor


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