Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


Two perspectives on Constructive Criticism….

  1. As the person giving the Constructive Criticism:

When I worked for a telecommunications company in Dallas I traveled a lot.  I was always in hotels working with the staff to get the new phone system and voice mail system in place.  Training the staff and making sure the project went smoothly.  One project was a hotel in North Atlanta, Georgia.  It was an elite hotel and quite large.  When it came time to train the entire staff it was going to take 3-4 days and 2 trainers.  I was the Senior Trainer, and I had a Jr. Trainer with me.  She knew how to train to a point… well, let me say she knew the equipment and what it would do and what it would not do.  Training adults is another thing.  I had to have a “constructive criticism” meeting with her because I had heard from my contact at the hotel that her classes were becoming “all about her”.  This was a NO NO!!   Well, there is always a lot more that I can say – as you know – but I will hold it to that… and say that I wish I had known the Lord like I do now.  I wasn’t as gentle and kind as I should have been.  I don’t think I was way out of line; I just didn’t pray about it before I talked to her and certainly didn’t ask her if I could pray with her before our talk.  She got the point though and I look back now and think I probably hurt her feelings and I certainly didn’t want to do that – even then!  I would do it totally different now and I have learned.  That is what life is all about though.  Learning as we go.  Some do, some don’t. 

  • As the person receiving the Constructive Criticism:

constructive-criticismI work in a place where all of us CSRs are monitored daily.  We are supposed to get 20 monitors a month and sometimes more.  The monitors are done by various Supervisors and the Quality Team.  I totally understand why we must be monitored.  We must say the exact same thing every call.  On occasion when I have been monitored, I said the wrong thing or added my own words – can you imagine that… lol – and this results in what we call the dreaded “Adverse”.   Every time I have received an adverse, I have received constructive criticism from the person that monitored me.   Each time they have been kind, considerate and very helpful!  I have always told them thank you afterwards because they were professional and constructive in their criticism.  It was to help me with my ongoing job and to encourage me to do better!  They told me not to dwell on the “adverse” but to just get back out there and keep up the good work (the work before the adverse). 

Now these two ways of dealing with saying the “wrong thing at the wrong time” are totally different.  I don’t think the supervisors and quality team pray before talking to us, but they handle themselves with grace and encouragement and I like that. 

 Our Lord always had the right thing to say at the right time too.  He was The Master at Corrective Criticism.  In Matthew 12 He takes many opportunities to correct what is being said and how it is being said.  Read the chapter… it won’t take long … and if you have the Bible App on your phone or iPad or laptop, you can have it read for you with the audio feature!  It will come to life even more! 

How are we, as Christians, giving or receiving constructive criticism?  Is it seasoned with the love of God and kindness of His nature?  Pray for Him to show you … wait upon the Lord. 

Isaiah 40:31 talks about waiting upon the Lord… 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”.

He will give you the words and the heart you need to receive or give constructive criticism with His grace and encouragement. Talk to Him today about any area that you might need constructive criticism.  He would love to talk with you.  He loves you so much.  After all, He calls you His beloved.

The Song – Waiting for Your Love to Come Down – Susan Ashton


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