Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


As I grow older and a little wiser day by day… I try anyway, there are some things that do not turn out exactly like I want them.  When I got involved in them, it seemed like it was right, and I was being blessed and learning from that experience… but somehow over time, it is just not a fit any longer.

Let me explain.

August 2012 – I had been on unemployment just over 2 ½ years by August 2012 and unable to get more than 1 – 2 interviews in all of 2 ½ years.  Yes, I had a good resume, references, and skills, but I found that since I didn’t have a “real degree” instead of 35 years of “real experience” I was not even taken seriously!  I had tried to start my own business during that time because of some occurrences in my life that kind of pointed me in that direction.  I loved doing that … it was a Project Manager of sorts but in the construction industry.  I managed people’s home remodeling projects that they didn’t want to.  I helped with locating a competent contractor and managed them during the project.  I had a beautiful website that I had paid a consultant good money for.  It was a wonderful time.  However, all the while, trying to find work that actually had a paycheck attached, because as you all know…. a “start-up” just doesn’t make any money the first 3 years.  Well, my company was no exception.  So, by the end of my unemployment I really wasn’t making ANY money with my company.  I HAD TO GET A JOB!

In the meantime, the choir at church was practicing singing with a Christian Music Artist/Praise and Worship Leader from out of town that was going to be giving a concert the coming Sunday night.  The weekend was my birthday weekend!  I was 56 years old, had been laid off 12-2009 – for the 3rd time since 9-11 and still out of work, my mom and dad were living with me, my unemployment was ending and so was the money.  I was in a tailspin… I thought.  I knew I would feel better if I could just get through the concert!  The concert was phenomenal!  Charles Billingsley was absolutely wonderful with his stories and songs of worship and praise for our God Almighty!  Each song either whispered to my heart or shouted to my soul!  I felt revived but somewhat down and out too!  Very strange combination!  I got home from the concert in kind of a middle of the road place in my head.  I got on Facebook and began to get lost in it all.  I had a very sweet lady message me about something that she wanted me to look at.  I promised her I would, and I did.  I made an appointment with her to meet the following day over coffee to discuss what I had seen.  I really got excited!  I felt there might be hope for me!  It was all coming together… the concert, the lady on Facebook and now this wonderful opportunity!  I had one last unemployment check that I could use to invest and maybe, just maybe, it would work.  I did it!  I got involved with this opportunity!  It was a great opportunity for me, and I really liked the people and the morals and ethics and the training!  I was hooked!  Then … it happened…

One night while in choir practice at church, I met a lady that was new to the choir.  She and I began talking and after a few more times of meeting and visiting, she told me about the job that she just got and if I was looking for a job I could probably get hired with no problem.  She told me it was a Call Center and she just got hired.  So… I checked into that too!  I made an appointment for an interview.  I GOT HIRED THE FIRST DAY!  My first day will be October 29, 2012.  Now… I was a bit excited … but it was the lowest paying job that I had ever had.  It didn’t matter, I had insurance from the first day I was hired, they were going to spend a week training me and I WAS IN!  Wooo Hooo!  

OK, then after training, I got my regular schedule.  I will be working every … EVERY Saturday and Sunday because I am new.  I will be working the early – late shift (1:00pm-9:30pm or 11:30am–8pm)… something like that.  So… with that schedule … let’s see… I have a job with insurance, I am working now at least… but I cannot go to the Training that the other opportunity offered because they were always on Saturday.  I could not go to the night meetings during the week because I worked evenings… I couldn’t even attend church now because I worked on Sunday!  UGH!!!  But I had a job with insurance!  This place is where I am now.  It has been one of the biggest blessings to me!  Another Thank You God!

Fast Forward from August 2012 to about 2 months ago (March 2014).  I had to make the decision to give up my beautiful website for my business that I had paid good money for.  I had to let it go.  The hosting fees were due, and I had no money.  I didn’t even have any customers any longer either!  It was a done deal!  Over, ended!  So, I had to make the decision…A very hard decision!  I did pray about it and yes, God just asked me… “What do you think?”  He helped me through that a lot! I talked it out with God, Mom and Dad and the decision was made to LET IT GO! 

Also, now fast forward to today… May 27, 2014.  I had to make another decision.  I prayed to see if there was any way to keep it … but I had to let that wonderful “opportunity” go as well. I cancelled my membership and said good-bye.  Yes, I cried because I loved those people, the organization and everything it stood for!  I just could not devote any time to it because of the schedule I am on now!  Still working on Saturdays – EVERY SATURDAY – and due to some more schedule changes I may have to start working Sunday’s again.  UGH… and double UGH! 

OK, I said all of that to say this…

GOD has me on another path.  Did He help me with those other paths?  Yes, I believe He did.  I believe I was allowed to make those decisions because of the people that God wanted to touch my life with and touch it in such a positive way.  I met some of the finest people in my business and the other opportunity!  I love people and love meeting people of all walks of life.  I thank God for all the strange paths I have been down in my life and these latest ones have been added to the “Thank You, God” list.  Really!  Everything we encounter in life can either grow us or hold us back.  It is all in how we approach it and allow it to affect us. 

Remember, I believe this scripture with every fiber of my being…

“All things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

I believe the path God has me on now… with the Blog “Abiding In The Vine” and the Book (Abiding in His Mercy, Growing in His Grace) is a path that will open up so many wonderful new doors.  Doors that I want to walk through to tell others about God and His Son Jesus and all that Jesus did for me and can do for them! 

Yes, it has been hard at times, but I honestly can say that most of the time… really, most of the time, I have kept my eyes on Him.  King Jehoshaphat said it best in 2 Chronicles 20:11-13.  “12 O our God, wilt Thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us, neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon Thee.”  He and his army didn’t know what to do… but being their leader, King Jehoshaphat kept his eyes on the Lord and was victorious! 

I am a child of the King… just like you are, hopefully!  If you are going through circumstances that seem all convoluted and confusing right now and you do not see how they will ever make sense, just do what the King did… keep your eyes on the Lord.  Keep abiding with Him daily and He will guide you.  He promises to never leave us or forsake us!  He wants you to just ask. 

Here is just one of many scriptures that has that promise in it:  Deuteronomy 31:6 –Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

There are so many good scriptures telling us not to worry and that God is near.  Here are a couple to get you started.

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 55:22 (ESV)
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

God is near and will always be!  Talk to Him today.  Let Him comfort and guide you in making those hard decisions.  He loves you so much!  He calls you His beloved.

The Song – When I Don’t Know What To Do – Charles Billingsley


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