Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


Well, here it is the last day of my first week of my new job.  It has been a week of learning, cramming, laughing, thinking, expanding, laughing, learning, thinking, meeting, eating, learning, expanding, and so, so much more.  Alongside all of that I have been so grateful for every morning when I awake – even though it has been sometimes 3 am… I thank God for another day on my new job and another day of opportunities.  The opportunities are varied.  The young lady that is training us “new hires” is such a delightful young lady.  All of 26 years old, she is a graduate of Texas Tech and a total delight.  She is very knowledgeable and a most excellent trainer.  She has only been there for about 6 months, and she is wonderful to learn from.  She is a humble, kind, gentle lady but make no mistake she can get down to business if needed.  She prides herself on knowing the things she knows, as well she should.  She is passionate about learning and obviously teaching or training.  This passion shows in her style and her bright blue eyes and her sweet smile!  She loves what she is doing.  I asked her the other day if she had been fortunate enough to have someone teach her the style of training she does or was she even more fortunate to have it be a God given talent.  She beamed and just looked at me and acknowledged that she had no one teach her.  I said, “Oh, just total God given talent.”  I saw her swell with pride and rightfully so.  She is not haughty, nor does she exhibit self-pride in a bad way.  She is the real deal when it comes to the fruit of the spirit kind of gal.  I am so grateful to be learning from such a wonderful young woman.

Alongside all that wonderful self confidence in her knowledge and her training technique, she does have that all too human aspect of not being able to know everything… ugh!  I can relate!  In her training yesterday, there was a part that she had to show us that she just had not spent a lot of time on because the need to know and use that particular part was not critical to moving forward in what she has been doing for 6 months.  So therefore, she was a bit shaky in her knowledge and explaining things to us.  She has only been there 6 months for goodness sakes!  She can’t possibly know everything!  She became so distressed and apologetic and was clearly unhappy with herself about this.  We all encouraged her and told her it was a learning experience for all of us and we totally got it!  She called in her co-worker that was hired with her and he very gently and graciously helped her get through the hard part and back on track with the most kindness and gentleness.  He was such a kind young man and never once told her she should have known that or been better prepared … etc.  No, he just gently walked in, assessed the situation, and gently guided her and us on to the correct path and let her take it from there.  It was a priceless experience.  We tried to console her, yet I am not sure she forgave herself. 

Ephesians 4:2

with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,

This is such a beautiful picture of how God is.  We go, do, and try to know everything we can about stuff – God stuff.  The Bible, scripture, Christian principles, or even the basics on how to treat others and live this life, etc.  We cannot possibly know it all or even attempt to know it all.  God knows our faults, our failures – past and present, and He is there to help us through all of that.  However, we just have to call out to Him for His help. He will not push or demand us to do anything.  He is a gentle, loving, kind, caring God that wants to help us and offers His help in our time of need, but make no mistake, He will allow us to fret and wallow in our pity if we don’t humble ourselves and come to Him. 

This scripture just came to mind:

Matthew 11:28-30

28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

We must be aware of His omnipotence.  He is all knowing, all seeing, all … everything!  He will help but we must relinquish our own will and allow Him to work in our lives so it will be a beautiful reflection of His grace and mercy!  We may have it all together – as far as the world sees – but the “together” picture of our lives cannot come close to the magnificence and grandeur that God can make it.  Yep, He can make our lives into a beautiful reflection of His grace and mercy if we allow it.  We just have to say “OK, God, here I am.  Mold me and make me into what You want. Teach me what You want me to know.  Show me how to live for You so others see You in my life instead of my fretting and tossing about in an uncertain world.”  He will do it.  That is why Jesus told us about the Holy Spirit that He promised would come and be our Helper.  The Holy Spirit is our Guide.  He knows all as well, because He gets all of His information directly from our Heavenly Father.  He is the third person in the Trinity!  Trust Him today to lead you and guide you in all you do.  Believe me, it is a much sweeter walk with the Lord when you do. 

John 14:15-18

15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

Reach out to Him today.  He is waiting to hear from His child. He loves you so much!  After all, He calls you His beloved.

The Song, He Is Here, Gaither Vocal Band


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