Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


I was sitting on the back porch one morning watching the sprinklers water the back yard when station 8 came on.  This is the last station, and it is the one that waters the garden.  So, this station is particularly important during the growing season.  Now any of you that know me even a little know that my dad keeps a wonderful garden.  He and God do great work!  This year we had the tastiest tomatoes and sweetest corn we have ever harvested! So, the sprinklers are vital and should work properly at all times.  I noticed one of the sprinkler heads just gushing water instead of spraying it evenly over the garden.  This particular head is the most important one too.  Somehow the head got broken and the water was just gushing out, uncontrollably all over the ground – which benefited the ground at that particular spot but did absolutely nothing for the garden.  If you know anything at all about sprinklers and yards and gardens, you know that a gushing sprinkler head is not a good thing. 

I went to turn the sprinkler system off and on further inspection of the sprinkler head I saw where the top part of the head was totally gone.  Not sure how that happened but nonetheless, it had to be replaced.  Dad said he would take care of it and that he did.  He had to dig a big hole around where the sprinkler head is so he could get to the connection and not have dirt get into the lines.  So, after quite a bit of work and very muddy coveralls and shoes, he was finished.  Now that particular sprinkler head waters the garden and the yard around it very nicely and it was fixed just in time for the tomatoes and corn this year.  Yum! 

Now God whispered to my heart again, like He does and said, “Here’s another topic for you, Leah”.  I am so thrilled when God speaks to my heart!  It just thrills my soul beyond compare!  So, I opened my heart and mind up to what thoughts He had for me and came up with this comparison.  As a Christian we sometimes tend to be kind of all over the place.  Sometimes Christians want so badly to serve that they spread themselves quite thin at various activities.  I know because I have had to hold myself back in the past from saying “yes” to too many things, and even now, I have to limit myself to how many devotionals I read daily and other articles concerning many things.  Why?  Because I have to remain focused on what I need to be focused on.  God calls us to learn and serve but not spread ourselves so thin that we are just “gushing out” all over the place.  God knows our limits and doesn’t expect us to be involved in every activity at the church or community or read every article that crosses our inbox.  If we spend our time doing so much all the time, we really become exhausted and burned out and I don’t think God really wants burned out Christian followers. 

I sometimes … ok a lot of the times… have trouble focusing on things.  I have so many things going on in my head at any given moment it is hard to do sometimes.  So, I just have to make myself stop and pray for God to help me.  Again, God is my sprinkler head so-to-speak.  He helps me to focus on the things that will be the most beneficial for myself and others around me.  Just like replacing the sprinkler head being a lot of work, it is a lot of work sometimes to focus this brain of mine.  I love to learn more about the Bible and the people of the Bible.  In time I will learn what God wants me to know. I will just keep being diligent in reading and learning but I can’t possibly learn it all at once.  I allow God to guide me and lead me to what He wants me to learn … like the sprinkler head does for the water… keeps it from gushing all over the place – it helps the water to focus and be beneficial to a particular part of the yard and garden. 

Proverbs 2:2-5 says this –  2” So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding,
If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God.”

I really like that Proverb.  I think that helps me focus.  Ask God to help and He will.  Another scripture that I love that is about what to put into your mind is this one in Philippians 4:88 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”  Here are some other scriptures about being focused… Click here for 76 Bible verses about staying focused. 

God knows each of us so intimately and knows what makes us tick.  He can help us in choosing what He wants us to read, study or think about or be involved in.  All we have to do is be humble enough to ask for His help and wise enough to accept it when He offers it.  I am so thankful for a God that knows everything about me.  I know I am safe with Him.  I know I am His beloved.

I challenge you today to stop and ask God to help you focus on what is important.  To help you put that “sprinkler head” back on so you can benefit yourself and those around you.  He is waiting to hear from you.  After all, He calls you His beloved, also!

The Song – When I’m With You – New Song


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