In the past about this time of year I have upgraded my iPhone.  I have a time getting everything set up and ready to use seamlessly.  Inevitably I have trouble setting up something on the new phone.  Usually, it is the various email accounts that I have and all of the different passwords because I have been told that you DO NOT use the same password for all of your email addresses, bank accounts, etc., because it’s easier to hack by the bad guys.  So… I have more than a couple of passwords and this creates a possible frustrating and confusing time for me.  I remember setting one of my passwords to something like “ImTired” and that proved to be a bad choice because I had to enter “ImTired” way too many times and I just don’t think my brain needs to hear that all day long or any at all.  So, I finally changed that.  I wrote a post about Passwords once.  You might read it.  It was a pretty good one.  Nonetheless, when I do upgrade, there is always a bit of confusion and frustration for a day or so until I get my new phone just right. 

Also, there are other things that cause frustration and confusion.  Sometimes there is a product on the market that is really a good product but getting into that product is just plain stupidly hard.  It is a very helpful and needed product, however, sometimes the cost and availability makes them a bit hard to come by.  Also, when you do find it, the wrapping on it just thwarts any ease of access for sure.  So, you end up being frustrated in more than one way!  UGH!!  These are Jesus’ words…. “33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will[a] have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

In this life we need things to be a little easier sometimes.  And those times are so few and far between that when we find one, we need to grab it and hold on to it!  I know a man that offers something that is a most wonderful thing, and it is very helpful.  It is something that you cannot “live” without.  He paid the highest price for this himself, but to us it is free.  We need not pay any money or monetary anything for it.  It is available to us by simply believing.  This “thing” I am speaking of is of course Salvation through Jesus Christ.  He makes it so easy.  God sent His only Son to earth to walk on this earth with us to teach us and be an example for us.  He also had another mission while on this earth.  His mission on this earth was to live loving and die saving and rising from the dead to justify us with a just and righteous God.  Jesus makes it easy to come to Him.  The Bible teaches us to Believe on the name of Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:30-31).  Accept Him as your personal Savior and live a life turning your back on the world and sin.  He will accept you and you will live in eternity with Jesus. 

You say that is not that easy…  I will agree that it is not that easy to do on your own.  It is almost impossible, if not totally impossible, to do it on your own.  That is why Jesus told us, when He knew He was going to be crucified and die and rise again and leave this earth, He was going to leave a “Comforter”, a “Helper” for us.  The Holy Spirit is our Helper and Comforter (John 14:16-26).  With the help of Him we can turn from our old ways and follow Him.  Our own power is so weak and helpless. 

I can tell you from experience that God is a good God and loves us so much.  He is a just God though.  He hates evil and sin.  He can only be just and righteous.  That is who He is.  If we didn’t have Jesus, we would surely die and not live in Heaven with Him forever.  Jesus died on the cross so we wouldn’t have to pay for our sins.  He did all the work for us.  He was the perfect sacrifice that God required.  Praise God! 

It is so hard sometimes when I think of what Jesus did for me.  He thought of me while He was on the cross.  He would have done the same thing again if I was the only one on the earth!  He cares that much!  Have you come to know this Jesus and accepted His free Salvation?  See this link for a simple explanation for the Plan of Salvation. It is not hard to have it and it certainly is longer lasting than anything you have here on earth!  The Salvation Jesus offers is for eternity!   Free and eternal.  That’s a pretty good deal, I think!  Call out to Him today and accept His offer of eternal life.  He is listening for your voice.  He loves you that much!  After all, you are His beloved.

The Video – Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)


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