Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.

Is your integrity intact?  Have you ever looked up the word “integrity” in the dictionary?  I can’t remember that I ever had either.  Some time back I did and here is a link to some interesting information… This link has the usual definition for the word but then it goes on to tell you other information that I still haven’t figured out.  So, let’s just stick with the definitions for now.  The 1st definition is the one most of us think of when we hear or use the word “integrity”.   However, I like the 2nd definition.  I have expanded it a bit to include synonyms and antonyms.

noun: integrity
1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. 
“he is known to be a man of integrity”
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness,
antonyms: dishonesty

2. The state of being whole and undivided.

“upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty”
synonyms: unity, unification, coherence, cohesion, togetherness, solidarity
“the integrity of the federation”
antonyms: division
the condition of being unified, unimpaired, or sound in construction.
“the structural integrity of the novel”
synonyms: soundness, strength, sturdiness, solidity, durability, stability, stoutness, toughness
“the structural integrity of the aircraft”
antonyms: fragility
internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data.
“integrity checking”

Now there is a lot more that goes with each of these definitions but you can explore that on your own if you wish.  I would like to look at the 2nd one a little closer.  Let’s apply this to us as Christians.  We, of course, need to have the quality of being honest and have strong moral principles; we also need to have the state of being whole and unified.  If we are weak in our Christian walk with the Lord, we will falter in areas that will break down our “integrity”, our internal consistency.  The lord of the air, better known as “prince of the power of the air” Satan – Ephesians 2:2 , knows our weaknesses and will take every opportunity to use them against us. We must shore up our internal consistency with daily talks with God and reading or listening to His Word. These are just two ways we can shore up our internal consistency and make us unified in our beliefs. If you would like to read more of a very good article on “How is Satan god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)?”, click here. This is from the website

Someone recently asked me what the main thing was that got me to have a closer relationship with God. Without hesitating it was these in this order:

  1. I made a choice – I wanted to know God more. I wanted to know about Who He was and Who He is. I chose to make the time to get closer to God by reading His love story to us – The Bible.
  2. In making that choice, I opened my heart and mind to learn – I learned Who the God of the Old Testament was by reading and/or listening to the Bible. I learned that He is a just and righteous God, slow to anger and loves totally. I learned so much more and I couldn’t begin to tell you all of the things I learned while reading and listening to the Word. I downloaded the Bible App (You Version) on my phone and it makes it very easy. I listen to the English Standard Version and it comes to life for me. I choose to listen to the Bible on my way to work and on my way home and any other time I can. I have grown to love God’s Word and look forward to every moment that I can spend hearing the Word.
  3. I chose to clean up my life and the way I was living. I know you have heard it said we are His temple here on earth.  I sometimes cringe at that because I, like a lot of people, put things into this body, or do things that affect this body that maybe I should think twice about.  I know that He knows we are human, and we slip daily, He loves us anyway.  Thank Goodness… That is why we need Jesus so much.  God sees us Christians through Jesus’ eyes.  If we know Jesus and have come to know Him as our personal Savior, God only sees a king (or queen).
  4. I am still learning every day – because I have made a choice to read or listen to God’s Word every day!

Those are the steps I took and the choices I made a few years ago to have a closer relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I am so glad I did. I have never been happier and never felt so fulfilled. God speaks to my heart, and it brings tears to my eyes because He knows my name! He knows my thoughts and He loves me dearly! He calls me His beloved.

If you would like a relationship with the Creator of it all, the One who has known you before you were born, (Psalm 139) the God of the Universe yet tender enough to care about what upsets you and wonderful enough to celebrate your little victories, call out to Him today. He knows your heart. He knows your struggles. He can help you get to know Him more. He will guide you if you let Him. He is a gentleman and will not go where He is not welcomed and invited.

This is a link to the simple plan of Salvation. The ONLY way to God is through Jesus Christ. In John 14 Jesus, Himself said, 6 “Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me. Now that you have known me,” he said to them, “you will know[c] my Father also, and from now on you do know him and you have seen him.”

If you need help, contact a Christian friend, or contact your local church. Someone will be happy to help you, I am certain. God loves you and wants a relationship with you. He is waiting to hear from you. After all, He calls you His beloved!

The song – He Sees Me Through the Blood – Calvary’s Voice


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