Originally written April 2014 – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


I now know the answer to my question should I use Fresh or Frozen?  Let me explain.  I made a blueberry pound cake the other day. It was fabulous and I ate way too much of it! When mom and dad had their first bite, they said “this is much better than the one you made before. What did you do different?” At first I said “Nothing” but I started thinking. The only thing I did different was use fresh blueberries. Yep, that was it. I had used frozen blueberries before. What a difference that made. This time of the year there are so many fresh fruits and veggies that I just couldn’t use the frozen ones. i took the package of remaining blueberries down to look at them and noticed they were really big and fat and oh so juicy! The frozen ones were good but they just didn’t have that punch that the fresh ones had. The cake was good before but the fresh blueberries made a lot of difference! I really love blueberry pound cake! It takes a little bit of effort to make, but anything really good is worth a little bit of effort, right? Right!

Now let me compare that with something else that I really love… God’s Word! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my knowledge of the scriptures before 2 years ago, was like those frozen blueberries. It was ok but it just didn’t have the freshness of today’s knowledge. It was like a book on the shelf of my heart. I had the knowledge, but it just wasn’t being applied to my life. It’s as if the last couple of years I have taken that Bible down off the shelf in my heart and soul and have delved deeper into God’s Word than ever before! I have listened and learned so much about Who God is and how much He loves me and how much He loves – and always has loved the people of this world. This website (click link) has 84 different Bible verses that tells how much God loves us. There are so many in the Bible that tells us how much He loves us! The most recognized one, of course, is John 3:16For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

I have learned about the Patriarchs of the Bible (Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, etc.) and how they were shaped and molded by God’s own hand in all they did. Also, how God can use the smallest thing to make a difference in someone’s life. The “on the shelf” knowledge of God and His Word just absolutely does not compare to the “fresh, invigorating” knowledge of today. I found this website that may help you get started. It is a Bible Gateway Blog site that is about applying God’s Word in your life today. The main article is entitled “God’s Word … For Your Life: A New Devotional to Help You Apply Scripture to Your Life.” There is a lot of good information in this article and well worth the time it takes to read. I use Bible Gateway a lot for my scripture reference in my blog. It is a valuable resource.

I know you all have heard me say this more than once or twice, but I love God’s Word and it seems like I am missing something if I don’t read or listen to it daily. Actually, beginning my day with it is what works for me. I love starting my day with God. It helps me through the entire day! He is always there, and I know that I just have to stop and acknowledge Him to feel His presence. When I read or listen to my Bible I am always so surprised at how fresh and new it is. I heard some new things just yesterday when I was listening to 2 Kings. I have read or listened to the Bible through once and this is the 2nd time, but I don’t remember the story I heard yesterday. I have found that it teaches me so many good life lessons. Hummm… that sounds like a new post … one day I may have to delve into that topic and start a new series… “Life Lessons of the Bible.” I am certain others have done that before, but I hear that still, small voice in my spirit telling me it would be good for me and others to learn.

I wonder how many of you folks love the scriptures. I know a handful of you personally and know that you do love the scriptures. I wonder, also, if you read or listen to the Bible daily? I just heard from someone yesterday and she told me that she has started listening to the Bible now and it really is a help to her. If you don’t already have a “quiet time” with the Lord, pick a time that is best for you when it is quiet, and you can just absorb what God has to share with you. My time is in the morning. I love starting my day with God and there is a wonderful Oswald Chambers quote in one of my music albums on prayer. Here it is:

“Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless in the first waking moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on a wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God.”

I found this on another blog site and here is the link. There are many, many Oswald Chambers quotes on prayer. This particular page on this blog is called “Surrender All”. Check out these wonderful quotes by that very beloved man, Oswald Chambers.

When you stop long enough to listen for God’s voice you will be surprised what He says and what you hear. Open your heart and let Him into your day. He will bless you so much! Just 5 minutes a day will open up a whole new world for you! I promise! I challenge you to read or listen to something in God’s Word daily. Start anywhere. Open your heart and open His Word. I would love to hear about where you start and the blessings God showers you with, if you care to share! There is a link at the top of this blog that you can click on and email me. It’s entitled “Contact Me”. Just remember, God loves you so much and He wants to share His love with you daily! He calls you His beloved.

The Song – My Place Is With You – Clay Crosse


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