Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


You don’t have to know me for very long at all to know that I love music!  As I have said before I was singing before I was born because my mom sang in the church choir even before I was born.  I have been so blessed by having music be a huge part of my life, I just wish I had gone to college to study and further my love for it even more.  However, I have been on this path that I am on, and it has taken me up and down and around all sorts of twists and turns to arrive where I am at this time in my life.  I have grown to love my life and appreciate every twist and turn because they have been learning experiences.  I can remember singing in school choirs early in my growing up years.  Mom and dad were always at every concert we gave.  I have sung the Halleluiah Chorus and Old Man River and even a German song in German and so many others.  Then when I began singing in church choirs, I was blessed by some of the best Worship Pastors.  At a church I went to before, Shady Oaks Baptist, we had recently sung the newest version of the great old hymn is “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”.  I had forgotten that beautiful old hymn and am so glad it has refreshed my memory. 

Now sometimes when I am trying to find something on the internet I get so lost on “rabbit trails” and can forget where I came from and what I was looking for in the first place.  The other day I actually went looking for a video of that wonderful old hymn sung by a choir and lo and behold I found an old YouTube recording of this beautiful old hymn.  It is sung by the Brigham Young Choir.  I believe the year is 2007 and it is absolutely beautiful!  After listening to it and being moved to tears by this heart felt recording, I also looked up the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s version of this same song.  I love to listen to them, but I will say that the BYU video is so much more moving and sinks deep into my soul.  Which brings me to my main point.  Music is “Soul Food” to me.  As I have said before it can move me to tears or elation quicker than anything!  It can pull up emotions that I had been hidden or buried for a long, long time.  Also, I believe if you are going to sing you must sing from your heart and soul and not just s-i-n-g.  You must feel it to get your point across.  The folks in this BYU video “feel it” and you can tell.  The look on each face is so intense on getting their message across.  They love their God and feel so human when singing about Him and you can see every emotion on their faces as they sing this beautiful old hymn.  This song is so like me too!  The one verse that I can most relate to is “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.”  How many times have I “wandered” away from the God I love?  Only to find my way back… no… He just keeps pursuing me and finds me, right?  Just like the picture of the Good Shepherd looking for that one little lost lamb.  He finds it and gently picks it up and carries it back to the fold.  Oh, what a beautiful picture this song paints in my mind and heart.  I have wandered so much of my life and feel so grateful that The Good Shepherd kept pursuing me and brought me back.  I still tend to want to wander, and I never want to think I have “arrived,” because I am human and so vulnerable sometimes.  However, I know My God personally and am thankful that He loves me beyond compare. 

Have you wandered away from God’s protection and love?  Have you wandered a little too far to feel that closeness of God?  Are you wondering if He will take you back into the fold?  Guess what?  He is waiting to hear from you.  He loves you so much.  He misses you much more than you miss Him.  Talk to Him today.  He would love to hear from you .. He is waiting to hear from you – His beloved child. 

PLEASE take the time to listen to the video.  It will bless you so much!  Click the link on the song and sit back and be moved.

The Song – Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – BYU Choir


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