Sometimes I think about how God can do all things and is in control of all things and wonder if anyone else ever really thinks about this.  For many years I have known that God can even change the course of time if He so chooses.  There was a time in the Bible when time literally stood still.  Joshua 10 tells the story of a whole day where the sun stood still in the sky.  And another time when God caused time to go backwards in 2 Kings 20.  Since God made time stand still and go backwards from a man’s request, He can surely help with any problem in this life we have!  I know my God can do all things and therefore I should not be afraid of anything that this life can throw at me.

I have prayed from time to time for God to change my circumstances if He chooses.  I want His will of course and if I have to learn something in the process, for Him to help me in that process.  I trust that each of you have the same desire.  If you are reading this you have a longing heart and seeking spirit for God’s Truth!  And I pray that God helps you in whatever is on your heart and mind.  Those things that worry you, that bring you down and give you trouble during the day.  I pray that what God lays on my heart to bring you every post helps you in some way throughout your day.  I know that God is an Amazing God!  His Word is an Amazing Love story to us about His Amazing Love for us!  If you haven’t met this God of mine, I encourage you to read about how He wants to know you personally.  Find it here.  Remember, God loves you so much, He calls you His Beloved.

In Him,

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