Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


Being blind in the physical sense is something that I have never had to worry about.  I have never even known anyone who is blind… I don’t think.  However, I have been so blind in my spirit in the past that it was a very big disability to me.  I didn’t acknowledge it as such, but looking back at my life there have been many times that I didn’t use the sight God gave me to stay on the right path.  As a young woman and beyond I didn’t live as Christ would have had me live.  I pretty much did what I wanted to do without regard to His Word and direction.  I was no better than the Pharisees in Jesus’ time.  Maybe worse because I knew the Truth and still chose to do the opposite.  Oh, how we bargain with ourselves and justify what we want. 

Now I wasn’t always rebellious.  There were times when the Holy Spirit would get a hold of me and shake me up.  I rededicated my life to Christ in 1990.  I quit smoking and doing some things that just were not in line with God’s Word.  I began to grow in the Truth and get to know God more.  However, it wasn’t until the latter part of 2012 – yes that recent – that I can say I have grown leaps and bounds from where I was.  I finally had to get to a point in my life that I realized I was NOT in control, and I needed to let God direct my path.  I was blind to so many things and God allowed certain things in my life to happen to open my eyes to His will for me. 

I can remember one time about 3 years ago when I was in the process of doing something that I knew was not in line with God’s will and glancing down at my bracelet that I wear 24×7 that says “I AM SECOND” I immediately felt convicted and it got my attention.  (The meaning of this simple rubber bracelet is to remind me that I am second to Jesus Christ!)  It hit me like a ton of bricks! I heard in my spirit “Are you really second?” I think that was my epiphany moment!  The time that God said “NO!  YOU WILL NOT BLASPHEME ME ANY LONGER!”  I began searching and praying much more earnestly and God is so good.  He forgives and heals in the BEST ways!  He cleansed my heart and my spirit in such a loving way and renewed me once again!  I was so blind… but now I see!  Thank God that He never gives up on us! 

I know that there are many times in life that we struggle with certain things that are not necessarily what God would have us do.  Sometimes our humanness gets in the way… our “sin” nature.  We fail to STOP and look to God for help.  We push through on our own and end up in a total mess.  God will forgive and restore IF we truly come to Him with a contrite spirit and humble heart. 

In 2 Samuel 2 it tells of the time King David pushed through on his own and did as he wished … and certainly didn’t consult with God!  David paid a high price for that sin, and so do we when we turn from God and do things on our own. 

However, we serve a wonderful, loving, forgiving and merciful God!  He is one to restore and renew.  He loves us so much!  After all, He calls us His Beloved.

In Him,

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