Originally written several years ago – some content may be dated but the message is timeless.


There are so many times during the day that God reveals things to me that He wants me to share with you.  It is the most wonderful thing to hear God speak to your spirit.  I have always heard people say that they heard a word from God, and especially my father and mother.  But until I really got serious with my relationship with Him did I hear… really hear God speaking to me in my spirit.  I have heard Him from time to time in my life, especially when I was in a bad situation, He spoke peace to my heart and assured me I would make it through whatever it was that was going on.  Sometimes I felt that peace and didn’t really attribute it to God… I was in such a tailspin I didn’t know what to attribute it to or that I even needed to.  I just knew I had a peace that I would make it through somehow. 

I believe God wants to speak to everyone one in their spirit…. Or heart – if that helps.  God is Spirit and He speaks through His Spirit to ours and He longs to have an intimate relationship with each one of His children.  He is our Creator and The Creator loves His children.  OK… on with what I really want to say.

I was driving to work yesterday and listening to my Bible app.  I was listening to Acts 22.  In this particular story Paul had been telling the Jews of the city about his conversion.  They were anxious to shut him up and do away with him and a riot was forming.  So the “Tribune” (click on the word Tribune to be taken to the definition of it) ordered Paul to be taken into the barracks to be “examined by flogging” (now that’s a good way of examining, huh?).  Anyway, he was chained to the post and just about to receive his flogging when he spoke up.  He asked the centurion who was standing by … “Is it lawful for you to flog a man who is a Roman citizen and uncondemned?”  The centurion was taken aback by this news, and he went to the tribune to inform him.  The tribune then came and asked Paul himself if he was a Roman citizen.  Paul answered “Yes”.  So, the tribune answered, “I bought this citizenship for a large sum.”  Paul said “But I am a citizen by birth.”  Well now… this shed a little different light on the subject.  It tells us in the ongoing verses … “So the ones who were about to examine him withdrew from him immediately, and the tribune was also afraid…”  You see buying one’s citizenship in those days is one thing, but to be a citizen by birth?  That was quite another, and that the Tribune had bound Paul was icing on the cake – so-to-speak.  The scriptures goes on to explain how they brought Paul before the chief priests for examining. 

My main point here is that Paul was a citizen by birth and the Tribune was a citizen because he bought his way in.  I find it quite comforting to know that with God, we, as Christians, are citizens of Heaven or children of the King by birth.  Yes, birth!  Because if you have trusted Jesus as your personal Savior, you are “born again” and are made new.  Another thing that I find quite comforting to know is that you CANNOT “Buy” your way into Heaven.  No matter how hard you try to do good and look good and go to church all the time and pray… if you have not actually accepted Jesus as your Savior you are not doing anything but rituals and doing nice things and looking nice.  I suppose it was the custom to buy your citizenship back then, but when it comes to our Heavenly home, there is only ONE WAY!  Jesus said… in John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except by Me.”   That gives me peace! 

Do you have that peace today?  Are you trying to buy your way into Heaven?  If you want to know the One who is able to give you a 2nd birth, call on the name of Jesus!  He is waiting to hear from you!  He actually calls you His Beloved.

The Song – God So Loved The World – Charles Billingsley


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